田忠厚,石淑琴,李来贵,徐萍,侯常苓,高晓虹.大连市三个医院婴儿室院内感染脓疱病流行因素的探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1986,7(5):265-268
A Study of the Factors Related with the Hospital Infection of Impetigo in the Nurseries of Three Hospitals in Dalian
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Author NameAffiliation
Tian Zhong-hou Dalian Medical College 
石淑琴 大连市卫生防疫站 
李来贵 Dalian Medical College 
徐萍 大连市卫生防疫站 
侯常苓 大连市卫生防疫站 
高晓虹 Dalian Medical College 
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English Abstract:
      Impetigo has been prevalent in infants born in some hospitais in Dalian for some years. With a view to control, factors correlated to the spread of impetigo in the nurseries of three hospitals were investigated. Houshold interviews with the families of 112 babies were conducted The incidence rate of impetigo in infants born in Hospital A (33.9%) was significantly higher than those of infants born in the other two (11.5% and 13.9% respectively). Two factors found in Hospital A might be related with the high incidence:the early washing-off of the vernix caseosa, which might increase the susceptibility of the skin to the invasion of pyogenic coccus; and secondly the more chances of environmental contamination in that nursery and delivery room.
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