梁荣华,吴寿祺,陈国光,余文祥.灭疟后期疟疾发病规律及其管理监测方法的探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1986,7(6):332-334
Studies of the Pattern of Incidence of Malaria & the Measures for Management and Surveillance in the Post Eradication Project for Malaria
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Author NameAffiliation
Liang Ronghua Institute of Malaria Control and research, Yunnan Provincial 
吴寿祺 勐海县勐遮区卫生院 
陈国光 Institute of Malaria Control and research, Yunnan Provincial 
余文祥 Institute of Malaria Control and research, Yunnan Provincial 
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English Abstract:
      This investigation aims to evaluate the management of post eradication project for malaria as happened to be one of the major current situations in now a days here. We had experience in Meng Zhe region for 20 years to achieve the eradication of malaria locally without the influence of borderline transmission. Up to now case of recently infected malarla recorded for 9 years and very few imported cases had been treated redically. It is the elimination of major vectors for malaria that permits no new recurrence.
These facts denote an improved management by putting effort to control those migrating population and also the surveillance of vector (mosquito). We also adapted our routine blood smeas program (usually 5-10% of local population) only to those clinical febrile patiente as a need of diagnosis.
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