唐守亭,于继华,施鼎玉,郝士海.我国沿海副溶血性弧菌血清型分布的实验调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1987,8(1):31-33
A Study of Serological Typing Distribution on Vibrio parahaemolyticus along the Off-shore of China
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Author NameAffiliation
Tang Shouting Liaoning Commodity Inspection Bureau, Dalian 
于继华 Liaoning Commodity Inspection Bureau, Dalian 
施鼎玉 Liaoning Commodity Inspection Bureau, Dalian 
郝士海 天津商品检验技术研究所 
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English Abstract:
      Serologic typing of 135 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from the off-shore fish, shellfish, sea-water, seamud and food poisoning patients was studied. The results showed that 106 strains (78.5%) known as OK antigen type or, 29 serotypes aranging from O 1 to 12 groups. The other 10 strains (7.4%) were the new sero-types formed of known K antigen and O group (Kanagawa negative). As for the groups, most of strains were O4 group (38/30.4) and the second was 01 group (26/20.8). The majority of the sero-types were O1K32 (18/14.4) and O5K17(10/8.0). The numbers of strain of O1-O5 groups was 108 (80%). 19 strains could be classified as O groups, but no K antigen was detected (14.1%). No special dissimilarity has been found in sero-types distributed over various samples.
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