张锁成,徐昌武,张希森,薛笃良,黄梦材,张存生.肾综合征出血热在宿主动物间传播规律初探[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1987,8(1):34-36
Study on the Spread of HFRS among Animal Hosts
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Author NameAffiliation
Zhang Suocheng Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
徐昌武 Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
张希森 Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
薛笃良 Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
黄梦材 Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
张存生 Local Disease Research Institute in Yuncheng Perfecture, Shanxi 
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English Abstract:
      In this investigation, four species of rats (total number 817) were captured in the room. 546 rat lungs were examined. It was shown that 64 lungs of 444 Rattus norvegious were positive for the virus (14.4%) whereas the other three species of rats did not carry virus. The virus carrying rates of the adult and young Rattus norvegious was signifigemtically different, but there was no signigicant difference between the virus carrying rates of fermale and male rats. The virus of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome may spread among the rats by means of eating the carcass of the death ones. This may be important for the HFRS virus transmission among them.
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