刘天锡,邹宇华,张波,周虹,刘秀英.吴忠市城区高血压211例配对研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1987,8(2):104-107
Analysis of 211 Case-Control Matched-Pairs of Hypertension among Urban Residents of Wuzhong City
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Author NameAffiliation
Liu Tianxi Dept. of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Ningxia Medical College 
邹宇华 Dept. of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Ningxia Medical College 
张波 Dept. of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Ningxia Medical College 
周虹 Dept. of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Ningxia Medical College 
刘秀英 Dept. of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Ningxia Medical College 
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English Abstract:
      Analysis of 211 case-control matched-pairs of hypertension among urban residents of Wuzhong City suggested that: (1) The high risk age for Hypertension falls to the 45-54 years group. (2) The occurrence of hypertension shows close association with inheritance (χ2=36.13, P<0.001, RR=6.2), obese somatotype (χ2=26.41, P<0.001, RR=4.38), and insufficiency of sleep (χ2=15.76, P<0.001, RR=2.71); also certain association with impatient disposition (χ2=4.44, P<0.05, RR=1.54) and alcohol drinking (χ2=5.04, P<0.05, RR=3). (3) No association is found between occurrence of hypertension and smoking or salty taste preference. (4) The hereditary effect on occurrence of hypertension among Hui residents is more obvious than that among Hans; and, as regard to the effect of impatient disposition; there exists marked difference between these two nationality residents, i.e, quite high among Huis (χ2=7.31, P<0.01, RR=2.88).
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