陈敬亭,公莪庆,曹务春,邢磊,彭宪文,苑灿明,马琴,刘伯增,张学启,孟淑珍,杨竹岩,公培祥,宋觉民,李昭爱,刘传德,姜元吉.丝虫性乳糜尿流行病学调查研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1988,9(1):19-21
An Epidemiological Survey of Filarial Chyluria
KeyWord: 乳糜尿  丝虫流行区  淋巴管阻塞
English Key Word: Chyluria  Filarial endemic area  Lymphatic obstruction
Author NameAffiliation
Chen Jingting Shandong Provincial Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Jining, Shandong 
公莪庆 Shandong Provincial Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Jining, Shandong 
曹务春 Shandong Provincial Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Jining, Shandong 
邢磊 Shandong Provincial Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Jining, Shandong 
彭宪文 苍山县卫生防疫站 
苑灿明 苍山县卫生防疫站 
马琴 苍山县卫生防疫站 
刘伯增 苍山县沂堂区医院 
张学启 滕县卫生防疫站 
孟淑珍 滕县卫生防疫站 
杨竹岩 滕县卫生防疫站 
公培祥 滕县级索镇医院 
宋觉民 邹县卫生防疫站 
李昭爱 邹县卫生防疫站 
刘传德 邹县卫生防疫站 
姜元吉 邹县石墙区医院 
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English Abstract:
      Shandong Province was the highly endemic area of the Wucherea bancrofian filariasis. An epidemiological study was carried outin some counties in Shandon Province 10 years after eradiction. 333 cases of 149,955 persons were the patients with chyluria, an incidence of 0.22 per cent 126 (37.8%) of 333 cases had been attacked before prevention and 167 (50.2%) were appeared again. It was considered that the reason why the chyluria appeared again may be a chronic pathological changes of lymphatic vessels take place due to filarial adult died. There were two types of filarial chyluria the present symptom and the non-present symptom in endemic areas. The percentages were 36.0% and 69.4% respectively.
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