李立,刘志良,刘文和,阎建平,严志平,付梓宾,廖寿恒,张月花,涂建宁,陈前进,曾贞元,郑金凤,苏用年,高霞献,包伟民,朱玉茂,徐林,李佛发.儿童计划免疫使用的“四苗”联合免疫的安全性及免疫应答研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1989,10(4):215-218
A Study on the Safty of Four Vaccines of Children EPI at the Same Time and the Results of the Immunological Responses after Vaccination
KeyWord: 联合免疫  临床反应  免疫应答
English Key Word: Synthetic immunization  Clinical reaction  Immunological responses
Author NameAffiliation
Li Li Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
刘志良 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
刘文和 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
阎建平 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
严志平 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
付梓宾 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
廖寿恒 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
张月花 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
涂建宁 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
陈前进 Anti-epidemic Station of Longyan District, Fujian Province 
曾贞元 卫生部上海生物制品研究所 
郑金凤 福建省卫生防疫站 
苏用年 福建省卫生防疫站 
高霞献 福建省卫生防疫站 
包伟民 上杭县卫生防疫站 
朱玉茂 上杭县卫生防疫站 
徐林 上杭县卫生防疫站 
李佛发 卢丰乡卫生院 
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English Abstract:
      The safty of the synthetic immunization of BCG, DPT, TOPV and MV and the results of studying on the immunological responses were reported. 337 preliminary immunized children of 3-24 month-age were voluntarily classified.The clinical reactions and the serological results of vaccination were systematically analysised.It was identified that the effect of the synthetic immunization of four vaccines or three vaccines was similar to that of the individnal immunization, i.e, the clinical reactions were slight and the effect was good after immunization.It was confirmed that the synthetic immunization could simplify the procedure of immunization and save manpower and cost.And it could solve the contradiction of the time space of vaccination, increase the vaccination coverage.It had conparative high social and economic benefit and fit for spreading in remote mountain area and minority nationality areas.
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