沈尔礼,侯培森.1979—1988年我国人间鼠疫及防治对策[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(3):156-159
Human Plague During 1979~1988 in China and Strategy of Its Control
Received:May 01, 1989  
KeyWord: 人间鼠疫  疫情分析  防治对策
English Key Word: Human plague  Analysis of epidemic  Strategy of plague control
Author NameAffiliation
Shen Erli Department for Control of Endemic Disease Ministry of Public Health, Beijing 
侯培森 Department for Control of Endemic Disease Ministry of Public Health, Beijing 
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English Abstract:
      The analysis of human plague during 1979~1988 in China was reported.From 1979 to 1988, 99 persons were infected with plague in 24 counties of 6 provinces and autonomous regions distributed in 4 types of natural foci. 55 cases were died and the mortality was 55.56%. Over 90% patients, all pulmonary plague and died cases were distributed in the marmot regions. Hunting, skinning and eating marmots or other infected animals are.he main causes of infection. According to the analysis, the strategy of human plague control in future are discussed.
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