王国栋,王阿琚,王金桃,李惠芬,李佩珍,张梓荆,林良明,刘玉淋,刘成贵,朱宗涵,常家林,王风英,邓喜全,孙鑫,赵正洁.流行性喘憋性肺炎爆发性流行的调查研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(4):198-201
An Outbreak of Epidemic Bronchiolitis
Received:November 02, 1989  Revised:January 05, 1990
KeyWord: 流行性毛细支气管炎  呼吸道合胞病毒
English Key Word: Epidemic bronchiolitis  Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Guodong Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan
王阿琚 Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan
王金桃 Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan
李惠芬 Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan
李佩珍 Shanxi Medical College, Taiyuan
张梓荆 首都儿科研究所 
林良明 首都儿科研究所 
刘玉淋 首都儿科研究所 
刘成贵 首都儿科研究所 
朱宗涵 首都儿科研究所 
常家林 山西稷山妇幼保健院 
王风英 山西稷山妇幼保健院 
邓喜全 山西稷山妇幼保健院 
孙鑫 山西运城地区妇幼保健院 
赵正洁 山西运城地区妇幼保健院 
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English Abstract:
      During January to March in 1986, there was an outbreak of epidemic bronchiolitis in Yun-chen, Shanxi province. Thirteen counties and cities we re involed in Yunchen. On the basis of a survey in 7 counties, there were 6070 cases, with the attack rate of 13.77‰. Most patients were infants and young children. The highest attack rate was in 0~age-group (89.06‰), next wasn 1~age-grouo (55.71‰). The attack rate decreased with the increase of age. The lowest attack rate was in the 10~age-group (0.53‰). The attack rate in males was higher than that ia females (χ2=101.09, P<0.01), and the sex ratiu (males to females) was 1.4:1. The clinical symptoms of most patients were serious. Most patients (75.7%) had symptoms of obstructive asthma. In this outbreak,the fatality rate was one percent. Family aggregation of this outbreak of epidemic bronchiolitis was foujid by binom;nal distribution method (χ2=9.51 P<0.05).
Both etiologic and serologic studies showed that the major pathogen causes this epidemic bronchiolitis was RSV. The risk factors in this outbreak were studied. It appeared that the outbreak of epidemic bronchiolitis was related to the variation of temperature:the bigger variation of daily temperature, the more the cases were found (rs=0.4799,P<0.05).
The occurrence of the disease was also related average space in the house each person had. The smaller the house, the higher attack rate it showed(trend χ2=5.58, P<0.05).
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