李树人,王德焕,韦丽,郭立华,王哲,王惠琴,张桂霞,刘桂珍,孙铁滨,张树生,都洋,谢奉瑜.猩红热轻症化与病原探讨(附135例报告)[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(6):348-351
A Study on Atypical Scarlet Fever
KeyWord: 猩红热  乙型溶血性链球菌
English Key Word: Scarlet fever  β-hemolytic streptococcus
Author NameAffiliation
Li Shuren Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
王德焕 Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
韦丽 Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
郭立华 Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
王哲 Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
王惠琴 Sanitary and Anti-epidemic Station of Heilongjiang province, Harbin 
张桂霞 哈尔滨市传染病院 
刘桂珍 哈尔滨市传染病院 
孙铁滨 哈尔滨市传染病院 
张树生 哈尔滨市传染病院 
都洋 哈尔滨市传染病院 
谢奉瑜 哈尔滨市传染病院 
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English Abstract:
      An analysis of 135 cases of scarlet fever in Harbin Municipal infection hospital in 1987 was carried out.The patients of 0~15 years old were 75.65%, the males were higher than the females. All the patients had atypical clinical manifestation. 45.18% of them were no fever. 30.37% no angina and 40% no strauberry-like tongue-The 60 strains of β-hemolytic streptococcus were isola ted from 129 cases(positive rate 46.51%). 49 strains of them were identificated as Biotype idemti-fication was carried out in 28 strains of them. They are all Group A. 14, 6 and 6 strains as biotype 1, 4 and 8/25 respectively-The results of antibiotics resistent test showed that strains which-were susceptible to ampicillin and cephalosporin were 81.58% and the strains of resistant penicillin were 21.05%.
Some causes of atypical clinical manifestations were discussed.
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