杨宝金,张贻鲁,刘广汉,许金范,秦丕文,贾洪忠.山东省疟疾流行病学十年纵向观察[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(1):20-24
Ten-year Longitudinal Observation on Malaria Epidemiology in Shandong Province
Received:October 20, 1989  Revised:January 12, 1990
KeyWord: 疟疾  中华按蚊  荧光抗体试验
English Key Word: Malaria  A.sinensis  Immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT)
Author NameAffiliation
Yang Baojin Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
张贻鲁 Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
刘广汉 Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
许金范 Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
秦丕文 Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
贾洪忠 Shandong Institute of Parasitic Disease, Jining 
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English Abstract:
      This paper reports the results of 10-year longitudinal observation on malaria epidemiology at 11 malaria surveillance stations in areas with different epidemiological types in Shandong province, by the blood examination of patients with fever, the observation of mosquito density and the malaria IFAT etc. It was shown that the method, through analysing the epidemic trend of malaria, could evaluate fairly the reliability of the comprehensive measures with particular emphasis on controlling the source of infection in malaria control.
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