赵尚德,程何荷,张家鹏,李祖正,马瑛,寇静冬,贾曼红,林健,金莉,郑锡文,曾毅.云南省艾滋病监测报告(1986~1990)[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(2):72-74
AIDS Surveillance in Yunnan Province of China (1986~1990)
Received:January 05, 1991  Revised:January 15, 1991
KeyWord: 艾滋病  监测
English Key Word: AIDS  Surveillance
Author NameAffiliation
Zhao Shangde Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
程何荷 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
张家鹏 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
李祖正 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
马瑛 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
寇静冬 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
贾曼红 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
林健 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
金莉 Yunnan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station 
郑锡文 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
曾毅 中国预防医学科学院 
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      云南省从1986年开始HIV/AIDS监测工作,至1990年12月,共监测17 021例不同人群,其中发现429例阳性者(含2例艾滋病病例),艾滋病病毒波及的人群为静脉吸毒者及HIV阳性者的配偶。分布于5个地区,绝大多数为德宏州瑞丽县静脉吸毒人群。较集中发现于1989年10月以后。对暗娼、性病患者、献血员等人群的监测没有发现阳性者。
English Abstract:
      We have carried out surveillance on HIV/AIDS in Yunnan Province since 1986.Up to 1990 total of 13 417 people has been surveyed and 373 HIV-positives were found in five area, of whom two AIDS cases were reported to GPA WHO. The persons with HIV were attributal to introvenous drug users(IVDUs)and their wives, most of them came from IVDUs of Dehong Dai Race and Jingpo Race Automous Region Located in the border between China and Burma.No positive has been found in prostitutes, STD patients and blood donors.
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