陈树坤,刘筱娴.改善居民生活饮用水为主的综合干预措施预防小儿急性腹泻效果评价[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1991,12(5):289-291
Effeciency Evaluation of Combined Intervention Measures with Improving Drinking Water First to Prevent Infantile Acute Diarrhea
Received:February 22, 1990  Revised:April 19, 1990
KeyWord: 小儿急性腹泻  联合危险因素  综合预防措施
English Key Word: Infantile acute diarrhea  The combined risk factors  The synthesical interventions
Author NameAffiliation
Chen Shukun Macheng Anti-epidemic Station, Hubei 
Liu Xiaoxian 同济医科大学公共卫生学院 
Hits: 1428
Download times: 505
      采用M-H分层和Logistic回归模型方法对5岁以下1 322人年进行了小儿急性腹泻发病因素分析,发现饮用塘水、幼儿不洗手等联合危险因素,并采取以改善居民生活饮用水为主的综合预防措施,经过2年现场观察,能有效地降低婴幼儿腹泻发病率。
English Abstract:
      The paper analysed factors of acute diarrhea in children under five by Mantel-Haenszel stratification and Logistic regression. The total person-years of observation were 1332. The results showed that the combined risk factors which caused diarrhea were drinking the pond water and failure to wash hands before eating and so on.The combined intervention Measures, especially improvement of drinking water had effectively decreased the incidence rate of infantile acute diarrhea through the observation in the past two years.
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