严迪英,金燕乔,杨焱,张毅,任学锋,陈立泉,马立宪,崔玲玲.北京市东城区高血压社区管理初步分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1992,13(6):348-350
Primary Analysis on Hypertension Community Control in East City
Received:January 08, 1992  
KeyWord: 高血压  社区管理  健康教育
English Key Word: Hypertension  Community Control  Health Education
Author NameAffiliation
Yan Djyjng Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, CAPM 
金燕乔 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, CAPM 
杨焱 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, CAPM 
张毅 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, CAPM 
任学锋 Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, CAPM 
陈立泉 北京市东城区卫生防疫站 
马立宪 北京市东城区卫生防疫站 
崔玲玲 北京市东城区卫生防疫站 
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English Abstract:
      In order to carry out chronic disease prevention, a hypertension community control program has been conducted in Disease Surveillance Point, East City.Beijing since 1989.The resident committees were randomly divided into two groups.The community control activities were conducted in intervention group, which included home visit, health education. 3190 hypertensive cases were managed in 1991. Current smoking rate was decreased 8.37%, quit and reduce smoking increased 5.81%, drinking decreased 8.77%, reduced salt intake 5.45%, DBP<95mmHg increased 27.81%, when compared with base line survey in 1989. These indicators were significat between intervention and control groups.It means hypertension community control program is successful.
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