汪宁,赵季文,徐萃瑜,张献哲,鲁荣绥,陈锡玲,郑惠方,程云英.女性生殖道支原体寄居和感染状况及其流行因素的研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1992,13(6):368-371
Epidemiological Study on Mycoplasmas Colonization and Infection in the Female Genital Tract
Received:August 20, 1990  Revised:December 15, 1990
KeyWord: 支原体  生殖道  流行病学
English Key Word: Mycoplasma  Genital-tract  Epidemiology
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Ning Department of Epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College 
赵季文 Department of Epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College 
徐萃瑜 Department of Epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College 
张献哲 北京铁路局中心卫生防疫站 
鲁荣绥 南京铁道医学院附属医院妇产科 
陈锡玲 南京铁道医学院附属医院妇产科 
郑惠方 南京铁道医学院附属医院妇产科 
程云英 南京铁道医学院附属医院妇产科 
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      1990年2~5月对1 309名不同生理阶段正常妇女和性滥妇女进行了生殖道支原体寄居状况调查。结果显示生殖道支原体寄居率与女性激素水平、性经历、避孕方式和文化程度等有密切关系。主要传播途径为性传播和母婴传播。
English Abstract:
      1309 cervical or vaginal specimens from females in various physiological periods and women with multiple sexual partners were examined for Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis from Feb. to May, 1990. Significantly, low carriage rates of U.urealyticum were found in the neonatal (28.57%), puerperium (26.51%) and postmenopause(30.00%) groups, whereas, pregnant women(more than 36 weeks) showed the highest incidence (73.20%). The recovery rate of U. urealyticum in girls with no history of sexual contact was significantly lower (38.30%) than that in married nonpregnant womed (48.98%)and women with multiple sexual partners(71.74%). The incidence rate of the genital mycoplasmas was significantly affected by the type of contraception, the number of sexual partners, socioeconomic states, degree of cultural traditionality, as well as hormonal status. Possible modes of transmission of genital mycoplasmas were also discussed.
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