杜国有.广西百色地区肝病患者及受血者HCV感染现状调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1994,15(5):278-281
An Investigation on the Present Situation of HCV Infection Patients with Liver Diseases and in Blood Recipients in Baise District of Guang Xi
Received:March 27, 1993  Revised:July 26, 1993
KeyWord: 丙型肝炎病毒  丙型肝炎病毒抗体  肝病  输血
English Key Word: Hepatitis C virus  Anti-HCV  Liver diseases  Transfusion
Author NameAffiliation
Du Guoyou Baise City People's Hospital, Guang Xi, Baise 533000 
Hits: 1486
Download times: 469
English Abstract:
      ELISA was used to detect anti-HCV antibody in 179 serum samples of patients with various types of liver diseases and 41 serum samples of blood recipients in Baise district of Guang Xi. The results showed that 17.9% of patients with various types of liver diseases and 31.7% of blood recipients were anti-HCV positive. Among patients with liver diseases, the anti-HCV positive rate was 4.3% (1/23) in acute hepatitis (AH), 12.8% (10/78) in chronic hepatitis (CH), 28.6% (12/42) in liver cirrhosis (LC) and 25.0% (9/36) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). As liver diseases became chronic, the anti-HCV positive rate tended to rise. The anti-HCV positive rate in LC was significantly higher than that in AH or CH (P<0.05). The anti-HCV positive rata in HCC was not significantly different from that in AH or CH (P>0.05 or 0.1). It was found that the anti-HCV positive rate in HBsAg-negative patients was significantly higher than that in HBsAg-positive patients (P<0.05). The anti-HCV positive rate in liver diseases was not related to ALT (P>0.05). In blood recipients, the anti-HCV positive rate was closely related to the number of transfusion and the activity of ALT.
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