杨文映,庞敬文,李翠芝,杨向东,陈明华,杜春红,李军安,陈伟中.滇西、南水和土中致病性钩端螺旋体分布调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1994,15(5):289-291
An Investigation on the Distribution of leptospirae Interrogans in Water and Soil in Southwest of Yunnan Province
Received:September 14, 1993  Revised:February 25, 1994
KeyWord: 水体  土壤  致病性钩端螺旋体
English Key Word: Water  Soil  Pathogenic leptospirae
Author NameAffiliation
Yang Wenying Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
Pang Jingwen Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
Li Cuizhi Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
杨向东 Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
陈明华 Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
杜春红 Yunnan provincial institute of epidemic disease control and research, Dali 671000 
李军安 耿马县孟定镇卫生监测站 
陈伟中 保山市鼠疫防治站 
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English Abstract:
      The conservation of pathogenic leptospirae in water and soil is one of the important problems of geography-epidemiological survey of leptospirosis. We have conducted this investigation by using of filtration-culture isolation method in five counties in the west and southwest of Yunnan during 1988~1992. The results showed that the isolates from samples of water and soil collected between July and September in Menglian and Huaping county were leptospirae biflexa while in the samples of water and soil collected between November and December in three counties, 8 strains of L.interrogans were isolated from the samples of Gengma and Baoshan county. The total positive rate was 3.31% (8/242). The positive rate of water and soil was 2.14% (3/140) and 4.9% (5/102) respectively. Strains obtained in this investigation belong to six serogroups:Icterohaemorrhagiae and Pyrogenes in 2 respectively, Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Sejroe and Australis in 1 respectively. These serogroups of leptospirae obtained from water and soil were corresponded with the serogroups obtained from the patients and animals with leptospirosis in local area. This survey provided new data for expounding the structure of the focus of leptospirosis.
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