刘世亮,孟宪坤,闫绍宏,顾书仪,刘玉枝.内蒙古自治区1990~1993年脊髓灰质炎病例分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1995,16(6):359-361
Analysis on Poliomyelitis Cases in Inner Mongolia in 1990-1993
Received:June 09, 1995  Revised:June 25, 1995
KeyWord: AFP  脊髓灰质炎  脊灰病毒
English Key Word: AFP cases  Poliomyelitis  Polio virus
Author NameAffiliation
Liu Shi-liang Inner Mongolian Epidemic Prevetion Station, Hohhot 010020 
Meng Xian-kun Inner Mongolian Epidemic Prevetion Station, Hohhot 010020 
Yan Shao-hong Inner Mongolian Epidemic Prevetion Station, Hohhot 010020 
顾书仪 Inner Mongolian Epidemic Prevetion Station, Hohhot 010020 
刘玉枝 Inner Mongolian Epidemic Prevetion Station, Hohhot 010020 
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English Abstract:
      Out of 97 AFP cases, 68 were confirmed polio in Inner Mongolia in 1990-1993,in which 44.12% were diagnosed according to laboratory results. In this period, 13 strains of polio virus were isolated and identified from the stool samples of 62 AFP cases. The etiological results suggested that there was no dominant strain of polio virus in the whole region. Serological results showed that the positive rates of IgM antibody against polio virus were 75%, 26% and 0% in 1990,1991, 1993 respectively which seemed to have a declining trend.
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