张士义,吕景生,冮森林,赵永利,吴福林,毛开荣.布鲁氏菌病全国重点监测点监测分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1998,19(2):69-71
Analysis on the Data Regarding Brucellosis at the National Monitoring Center
Received:October 06, 1997  
KeyWord: 布鲁氏菌病  监测
English Key Word: Brucellosis  Surveillance
Author NameAffiliation
Zhang Shiyi Chinese Base for Cotrol of Plague and Brucellosis, Baicheng 137000 
Lu Jingsheng Chinese Base for Cotrol of Plague and Brucellosis, Baicheng 137000 
Gang Senlin Chinese Base for Cotrol of Plague and Brucellosis, Baicheng 137000 
赵永利 Chinese Base for Cotrol of Plague and Brucellosis, Baicheng 137000 
吴福林 中国兽药监察所 
毛开荣 中国兽药监察所 
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      1990~ 1996年在我国 14个省 (区 ) 15个重点监测点,开展了布鲁氏菌病 (布病 )监测工作。结果表明,除少数监测点疫情比较稳定外,多数监测点疫情明显回升,甚至出现布病爆发。其疫情特点,主要传染源仍是羊、牛等布病病畜 ;牧区的老疫区疫情活跃,病畜未能彻底清除,长期保菌排菌,蕴藏着爆发的极大危险 ;人间疫情有向半农半牧区和农区转移趋势。指出加强布病综合性防制措施的贯彻落实,做好流通环节的管理,控制疫情回升,是当前加强布病防治工作的当务之急
English Abstract:
      Surveillance on brucellosis was carried out in 15 major monitor ingplaces in 14 provinces from 1990 to 1996. The result indicated t hat in a fewmo nitor ing pla ces the epidemic situation was stable but in many monito ring places o utbr eak had occurr ed in one or two monito ring places. Major source of infection was from infected sheep and cat tle while in some old epidemic areas the past or al area was active, which kept anim als continuo usly excrete bacteria, making the potential of outbreak br ucellosis exist. At endency showed that the epidemicarea was shifting to the farming and stockbreeding and agricultur al ar eas. A compreheasive st rat eg y including effective manag ement and contr ol the cir culatio n of causa tiv e agent, needs to be developed.
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