陈宪锐,玄梅香,吴多文,尹燕明,周玉霞,万宝美,魏佑农,付春生.庚型肝炎病毒感染研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1999,20(2):85-87
Study on Hepatitis G Virus infection
Received:November 21, 1998  Revised:December 24, 1998
KeyWord: 庚型肝炎  庚型肝炎病毒  抗-庚型肝炎病毒
English Key Word: Hepatitis G  Hepatitis G virus  Anti-HGV
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Xianrui Taishan Medical College,Taian 271000 
XUAN Meixiang 泰安市卫生防疫站 
WU Duowen Taishan Medical College,Taian 271000 
尹燕明 Taishan Medical College,Taian 271000 
周玉霞 Taishan Medical College,Taian 271000 
万宝美 Taishan Medical College,Taian 271000 
魏佑农 山东新汶矿务局中心医院 
付春生 聊城地区人民医院 
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English Abstract:
      ObjectiveTo find out the situation of HGV infection in Shandong Province,and to explore the relations between HGV infection and HCV or HBV infection.Methods Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)was used to determine the serum anti-HGV in 1082 patients with viral hepatitis, 77 patients with non A-E hepatitis and 361 blood donors.Results 53 patients whose serum anti-HGVs were positive (positive rate:3.49%)were noticed.The anti-HGV positive rate(8.93%)in patients with Hepatitis C was remarkably higher than that (3.32%)in patients with Hepatitis B(χ2 =8.80,P<0.01).The anti-HGV positive rate(4.82%)in patients with chronic hepatitis was significantly higher than that (0.79%)in patients with acute hepatitis (χ2 =10.79 ,P<0.01).The anti-HGV positive rate (8.00%)in patients with severe hepatitis was obviously higher than that in patients with acute hepatitis (χ2=10.23, P<0.01).ConclusionThe manifestations of HGV infection can be expressed as virus-carriers, subclinical infection or various clinical types.Patients w ith Hepatitis C were more subjective to be overlapped w ith HGV than the patients with Hepatitis B ;moreover, HCV or HBV infection superinfected with HGV is associated with exacerbation of patients' condition and the formation of chronic infection.
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