蒋昭伦,邱厚兴,齐凡平,周思奇.滕州市0~14岁儿童肢体伤害流行病学调查及5年住院病例分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2000,21(4):273-275
An epidemiology study on limb injuries in infants aged 0-14 years old in Tengzhou area during 1994-1998
Received:February 06, 2000  
KeyWord: 伤害  儿童  流行病学
English Key Word: Injury  Child  Epidemiology
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Zhaolun Tengzhou Central People's Hospital, Shandong 277500, China 
QIU Houxing Tengzhou Central People's Hospital, Shandong 277500, China 
QI Fanping 山东省鲁南水泥厂职工医院 
Zhou Siqi 滕州市卫生防疫站 
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      目的 了解儿童四肢伤害的流行病学特征及变化趋势。方法 采用分层抽样的方法,对滕州市4个乡镇的33 628名0~14岁儿童一年中四肢伤害情况进行调查,并对1994~1998年住院肢体伤害患儿观察分析。结果 四肢伤害发生率2.96%,男女之比为3.20∶1,上肢伤害多于下肢。前3位伤害类型依次为:跌伤、钝/锐器伤、车辆伤。5~10月份为发病高峰期。肢体伤害发生率呈上升趋势,致残率为115.97/10万。结论 应针对不同年龄儿童的特点和伤害原因,采取相应措施,以减少儿童意外伤害的发生。
English Abstract:
      Objective To find out epidemiological features on limb injuries in infants. Methods Stratified random sampling was carried out to investigate limb injuries in children aged 0-14 years old in four villages and townships, Tengzhou city Shandong province from 1994 to 1998. Results Results showed that the total rate of limb injuried was 2.96% with a ratio of male/female 3.20∶1. The injury on arms was higher than on legs. The first three leading rates of injuries were falling, hurt by sharp stuff and traffic accidents. The highest rate of injury took place from May to October duriug the year. The rate of limb injuried seemed to be inereasing with a disabled rate of 115.97/100 000. Condusion Measures should be taken to reduce the rate of injuries, according to the epidemiological findings.
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