朱凤才,祖荣强,吴扬生,胡静,李雷,刘光中.江苏省1990~2000年狂犬病流行情况及防制对策分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2001,22(1):14-16
Study on the epidemiological feature and control measure for rabies from 1990 to 2000 in Jiangsu province
Received:October 20, 2000  
KeyWord: 狂犬病  流行特征  防制对策
English Key Word: Rabies  Epidemiological feature  Control measure
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Fengcai Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
ZU Rongqiang Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
WU Yangsheng Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
HU Jing Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
LI Lei Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
LIU Guangzhong Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210009, China 
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      目的: 分析江苏省狂犬病流行特征,探讨流行因素。方法: 收集 1990~2000年9月狂犬病发病和防制情况、1998~2000年狂犬病调查及监测资料,进行圆形分布等统计分析。结果: 1990年后,江苏省狂犬病例数逐年减少,但近2年有所回升。近5年来,江苏省狂犬病发病趋于集中,南通、盐城、泰州三市是主要发病地区,集中了约 80 %的病例。犬是主要传播宿主 (93.22 % ),主要感染方式为咬伤 (94.92 % ),受伤部位以上肢为主 (46.27% )。病例中重度受伤、近中枢部位受伤及多处受伤率明显高于狂犬病门诊就诊人群。监测点人群免疫后抗体阳转率为 86.28%,犬免疫率为58.20%。结论: 中重度受伤、近中枢部位受伤、多处受伤、伤口处理不够规范及疫苗接种率低是导致狂犬病发生的重要因素。
English Abstract:
      Objective: To analyze the epidemiological feature of rabies and explore the risk factors in Jiangsu for the control of rabies. Methods: Data on rabies in Jiangsu from Jan. 1990 to Sep. 2000, and on case studies as well as surveillance from 1998 to 2000, were collected. Circular distribution statistics and Chisquaretest were used. Results: The number of rabies had been decreasing since 1990 yearly, but increased in the last two years. The new cases of rabies tended to fo cus in the area of Nantong, Yanchen and Taizhou city. There were about 80% of cases in the above areas. Dogs were the main hosts (93. 22%). Ninety- four point nine two percent of the persons were affected through dog bites with major wounded part as thoracic limbs ( 46. 27%). Rates of severe bites, being wounded close to the central nervous system and more than 1 wound per cases were significantly higher than that in the population under surveillance. The antibody conversion rate was 86. 28% after immunization in the surveillance population. The immunization rate was 58. 20% among dogs. Conclusion: Severe deep bites, wounded part close to the central nervous system and more than 1 wound per case were the risk factors in patients with rabies. Maltreatment and low immunization rate were important risk factors as well.
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