马志强,刘文斌.一起氟乙酰胺蓄积性中毒分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2002,23(4):276
Characterization and distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes and subtypes in 4 provinces of China
Received:October 19, 2001  Revised:June 18, 2012
KeyWord: 肝炎病毒,乙型  流行病学,分子  基因型  血清亚型
English Key Word: Hepatitis Bvirus  Molecular epidemiology  Genotype  Subtype
Author NameAffiliation
XIA Guoliang 内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟卫生防疫站, 集宁 012000 
Omana V Nainan 内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟卫生防疫站, 集宁 012000 
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      值得指出, 以人群为基础的病例对照研究 ,可较好地控制选择性偏倚, 得到的各因素与疾病的关系说服力较强 。从本研究结果看 , 预防尿石症应倡导以下饮食习惯:增加液体摄入量, 多食蔬菜和水果 ,合理摄入蛋白质等 ;应以尿石症家族史阳性者为高危人群 ,防止慢性泌尿道感染 ,减少暴露日照时间 ,积极预防尿石症的发生。
English Abstract:
      Objective To determine the distribution and genetic relationship of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes and subtypes. Methods HBV genotypes and subtypes were determined by PCR and DNA sequencing among 280 chronic HBV carriers in 25 counties of 4 provinces (Hunan, Guangxi, Henan and Hebei) in China. Results Genotype B, C and D were detected in these regions. Genotypes C and B were the majority genotypes of HBV with 190 out of 280 ( 67.9 %) genotype C, 82 ( 29.3 %) genotype B, and 8 ( 2.9 %) genotype D. Adr, adw2, ayr, ayw1, ayw2 and ayw3 subtypes were determined among these carriers. Adr and adw2 subtypes were the leading subtypes of HBV,taking up 64.3 % and 31.4 %, respectively.Adr subtype was completely encoded by genotype C while majority of adw2 subtype was encoded by genotype B.An average rate nucleotide substitutions of 2.94 was seen among 280 Chinese HBV sequences. The average rate of nucleotide substitutions of genotype B (adw2 subtype) was 5.63 ( 5.48 ), but only 1.6 ( 1.51 ) for genotype C (adr subtype). Conclusion The results suggested that there were significant differences in geographic distribution of HBV genotypes and subtypes; genotype B, in which mostly consistent with adw2 subtype, was a higher variable than genotype C (adr subtype).
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