罗兆庄,柳燕,刘红,王以银,赵月萍.安徽省山林地区肾综合征出血热微小疫源地及汉坦病毒新亚型的发现[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2002,23(5):363-365
Discovery of two sub-types of Hantanvirus in Anhui mountain areas
Received:November 25, 2001  
KeyWord: 汉坦病毒  肾综合征出血热  疫源地  亚型
English Key Word: Hantanvirus  Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome  Foci  Sub type
Author NameAffiliation
LUO Zhaozhuang Anhui Anti Epidemic Station, Hefei 230061, China 
LIU Yan Anhui Anti Epidemic Station, Hefei 230061, China 
LIU Hong Anhui Anti Epidemic Station, Hefei 230061, China 
WANG Yiyin Anhui Anti Epidemic Station, Hefei 230061, China 
ZHAO Yueping Anhui Anti Epidemic Station, Hefei 230061, China 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the existence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) foci in high mountains and forest areas. Methods A survey was conducted in the areas of 1 400 meter altitude in Dabie mountain and of 1 600 meter altitude in Wannan mountain in the mid 1990's using methods relcted to epidemiology, geographic epidemiology, serum epidemiology, pathogenic and molecular epidemiology. Results Two strains of HFRS viruses were isolated from pulmonary tissues of Rattus niviventer and both of them were identified as A types. The analysis of the nuclei sequence showed that there were significant differences between both sub types and HTN 76 118. Conclusion It was confirmed that there were HFRS foci in the areas with 2 strains possible new sub types of HFRS.
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