佘为民,胡德昌,袁和俊,王吉耀.323例患者输血后丙型肝炎病毒感染的前瞻性研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(4):330
323 cases of patients with hepatitis c virus infection after blood transfusion of prospective studies
Received:January 23, 2002  
KeyWord: 输血后  HCV感染率  毒感染  输血量  肝炎病  输血者  急性丙型肝炎  阳性率  中山医院  前瞻性研究
English Key Word: After blood transfusion  HCV infection  infected  Blood transfusion volume  patient  A transfusion  Acute hepatitis c  Positive rate  Zhongshan hospital  A prospective study
FundProject:美国中华医学基金资助项目(93 582)
Author NameAffiliation
She WeiMin 200032, Shanghai, zhongshan hospital affiliated to fudan university digestive internal medicine 
Hu Dechang 200032, Shanghai, zhongshan hospital affiliated to fudan university digestive internal medicine 
Yuan Hejun 200032, Shanghai, zhongshan hospital affiliated to fudan university digestive internal medicine 
Wang Jiyao 200032, Shanghai, zhongshan hospital affiliated to fudan university digestive internal medicine 
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English Abstract:
      To understand hospital in Shanghai after blood transfusion caused by hepatitis c virus (HCV) infection status and develop countermeasures, from October 1993 to April 1993 to made a prospective study of HCV infection after blood transfusion, now report as follows.
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