王棋,吴建华,詹刚,宋彬,朱智勇,董关木,贾丽丽,岳广智,王志伟,郑铮,俞永新.流行性乙型脑炎疫苗纯化工艺的建立[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(4):334
The establishment of epidemic encephalitis b vaccine purification process
Received:February 28, 2003  
KeyWord: 纯化工艺  流行性乙型脑炎  脑炎疫苗  生物制品检定所  去除率  股份有限公司  生物药业  乙脑疫苗  生产工艺  回收率
English Key Word: Purification process  Epidemic encephalitis b  Encephalitis vaccine  Biological products offices shall  Removal rate  Co., LTD.  Biological pharmaceutical co.  Je vaccine  The production process  The recovery rate of
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Qi 320012, hangzhou, zhejiang tian yuan biological pharmaceutical co., LTD 
Wu Chienhua 320012, hangzhou, zhejiang tian yuan biological pharmaceutical co., LTD 
Zhan Gang 320012, hangzhou, zhejiang tian yuan biological pharmaceutical co., LTD 
Song Bin 320012, hangzhou, zhejiang tian yuan biological pharmaceutical co., LTD 
Zhu Zhiyong 320012, hangzhou, zhejiang tian yuan biological pharmaceutical co., LTD 
Dong Guanmu China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
Jia Lili China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
Yue GuangZhi China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
Wang Zhiwei China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
Zheng Zheng China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
Yu Yongxin China offices shall of pharmaceutical and biological products 
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English Abstract:
      At present, the Japanese encephalitis (je) vaccine has formed a large-scale production, and achieved good preventive effect [1], but this vaccine crude vaccine, the antigen content is low, heterologous protein and subcellular components is more, there are some side effects, clinical application in so it is necessary to the vaccine for enrichment and purification, to improve the immune effect of vaccine and reduce side effects. After years of exploration, we establish the purification technology of je vaccine, and took the lead through the national new drug evaluation in China. Now the purification technology of report are as follows.
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