俞敏,丛黎明,徐来荣,夏自成,韩成星,马彦,钟节鸣.浙江省城乡4社区居民伤害现况调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(8):681-683
A cross-sectional study on injuries in residents at the community level of Zhejiang
Received:May 31, 2002  
KeyWord: 伤害  发生率  现况研究
English Key Word: Injuries  Incidence rate  Cross-sectional study
Author NameAffiliation
YU Min Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310009, China 
CONG Li-ming Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310009, China 
XU Lai-rong 宁波市鄞州区疾病预防控制中心 
XIA Zi-cheng 富阳市疾病预防控制中心 
HAN Cheng-xing 常山县疾病预防控制中心 
MA Yan 杭州市上城区疾病预防控制中心 
ZHONG Jie-ming Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310009, China 
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      目的 调查浙江省 4个社区人群伤害发生现况。方法 选择不同经济状况的城市、农村社区各 2个,对城市 2843户、农村 2985户共 16899名居民 1年中伤害情况进行回顾性问卷调查。结果 伤害总发生率为 15.64 %,其中城市 17.18%,农村 15.30 %,男性 18.06 %,女性 14.06 %,死亡 9例。以跌伤 坠落、刀割 锐器伤、交通伤、碰撞 硬物击伤、烧烫伤和动物咬伤发生率较高,分别为4.80 %、3.86 %、2.0 7%、1.99%、1.13%和 1.0 6 %。交通伤以 45岁以上者发生率为高,其中自行车导致的占 37% ;5岁以下儿童跌伤 坠落伤发生率为 12 %,动物咬伤则以 15岁以下者较高,农村高于城市。平均每例伤者休息 8.62天,活动受限 7.92天,医疗费用 324.2 1元。结论 浙江省社区居民伤害发生率较高,导致较大的经济和家庭负担,预防控制社区人群伤害已迫在眉睫。
English Abstract:
      Objective To study the incidence of injuries among residents living in the communities in Zhejiang.Methods A household questionnaire survey was conducted to 16 899 residents in four communities.Results The incidence of injuries was 16.11%in total, higher in urban area than in rural area and higher in men than in women.The leading causes of injuries were falls (4.80%), knife-cutting or by sharp articles (3.86 %), traffic accident (2.07 %), collision (1.99%), scalds (1.13%)and animal bites (1.06%).Peak incidence of age group was different in different injuries, such as traffic accident was high in 45-60 age group and falls was high in 5 and 60 age group.Direct economic loss for each case with injury would cost 324.21 RMB yuan.Conclusion Injury was common and frequently occurred among residents at the community level which seriously on danger their health and families.
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