李新华,邓冰,朱焱.贵阳市中年知识分子身心健康及影响因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(9):778-782
Study on physical and mental health status and influencing factors of middle-aged intellectuals
Received:January 20, 2003  
KeyWord: 健康危险评估  相对危险度  中年知识分子
English Key Word: Health risk appraisal  Relative risk  Middle-aged intellectuals
Author NameAffiliation
LI Xin-hua Department of Preventive Medicine, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang 550004, China 
DENG Bing Department of Preventive Medicine, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang 550004, China 
ZHU Yan Department of Preventive Medicine, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang 550004, China 
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      目的 了解社会变革条件下中年知识分子身心健康状况和研究影响心理危险因素的作用。方法 用分层整群抽样和问卷调查方法对 15 0 3名中年知识分子进行SCL 90测试和影响因素的调查,用广义相对危险度模型分析危险因素的作用大小及相互作用形式。结果 中年知识分子 2周患病率为 2 4 1.5‰,慢性病患病率为 30 6.7‰。部分人具有不良行为方式。约 6.9%的中年知识分子 (男性为 6.1%,女性为 7.8% )有心理健康问题,按作用大小危险因素依次是离婚或丧偶、接触毒物或噪声、缺少业余爱好、工作时间延长、患慢性病。结论 多种压力影响中年知识分子的身心健康,应采取综合措施来改善中年知识分子的健康状况。
English Abstract:
      Objective To understand physical and mental health status of middle-aged intellectuals and related risk factors on mental health under the present social conditions. Methods Stratified-cluster sampling and questionnaire survey were used. One thousand five hundred and three middle-aged intellectuals were investigated by SCL- 90 test and influential reasons, using general relative risk model. Effects and interaction modes of risk factors were analyzed. Results The prevalence rate of middle- aged intellectuals was 241.5 ‰ per two weeks, while the prevalence rate of chronic disease was 306.7 ‰. 6.9 % of the middle-aged intellectuals (male 6.1 %, female 7.8 %) had mental health problems.Results suggested that the major risk factors were, as listed in a order of their effects on mental health disorders: divorced or losing spouse,exposure to poison and noisiness, lack of hobbies, long working hours, having chronics diseases. Conclusion Physical and mental health status of middle-aged intellectuals were under by many kinds of pressures.Multiple measures should be taken to improve the health status of the middle-aged intellectuals.
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