赵芳,郑建中,陈博文,谢晓桦.成都市玉林社区高血压患者契约式管理效果分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(10):897-900 |
成都市玉林社区高血压患者契约式管理效果分析 |
Analyses on the effect of community-based intervention on hypertension |
Received:December 25, 2002 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 高血压 社区干预 契约式管理 |
English Key Word: Hy pertension Community-based intervention Contractual-manag ement |
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Abstract: |
目的对社区高血压患者契约式管理前后相关指标的分析,探讨契约式管理模式的可行性。方法在成都市玉林社区组织“高血压之家”,对这部分高血压患者实行契约式管理,半年后总结干预效果。结果经过干预,高血压患者收缩压(SBP)和舒张压(DBP)下降显著(P<0.05),整体血压水平SBP下降了8.94mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),DBP下降幅度为3.61mmHg,基线血压异常者SBP下降了14.06mmHg,DBP下降幅度为5.97mmHg。血压的控制率从38.39%上升到64.29%,女性血压控制率显著(P<0.001)。高血压判定标准知晓率由干预前58.06%上升到74.19%,显著高于干预前(P<0.01)。高血压危险因素中肥胖和遗传的认识率与干预前相比显著提高(P<0.05)。结论社区高血压患者的契约式管理模式对提高社区高血压控制率是一种可行的防治手段 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To testify the feasibility of management through contract system between general practitioners and pa tients.Methods In Sichuan province contract was made between general practitioners and hypertension patients in “ community health service center — family of hyper tension patients” in Yulin community in Cheng du city.After half a year, we analysed the effects of communitybased intervention on hyper tension.Results General means of both SBP and DBP remarkably decreased (P <0.05)with SBP remarkably decreased by 8.94 mm Hg while DBP decreased by 3.61 mm Hg.After interfered by the model, people whose blood pressure were abov e normal had a remarkable decrease than before by 14.06 mm Hg (P <0.05).Rates of hypertension being under control increased from 38.39 % to 64.29 % (P <0.001).Rates of awareness on fatness and heredity in hyper tensive patients were increasing from 58.06 % to 74.19% (P <0.001).Ra te of awareness on risk factors for hy pertensio n was also higher than that of 6 months back (P <0.05).Conclusion The model of management by signing contract between general practitioners and pa tients in community, proved to be a successful way in the treatment to control high blood pressure |
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