张彤,吴艳乔,王艳萍,赵更力,殷菲,陈明惠.农村地区育龄人群生殖道感染性/传播疾病的健康教育效果评价[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(10):908-912
Ef fects of a comprehensive health education program on reproductive tract infections sexually transmitteddiseases intervention among reproductive age population in the rural areas of China
Received:April 17, 2003  
KeyWord: 生殖道感染  性传播疾病  健康教育  干预
English Key Word: Reproductiv e tract infections  Sex ually transmitted diseases  Health educatio n  Intervention
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Tong Center for Maternal and Child Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100083, China 
WU Yan-qiao 四川大学华西第二医院信息管理部 
WANG Yan-ping 全国妇幼卫生监测办公室 
ZHAO Geng-li 北京大学妇婴保健中心 
YIN Fei 四川大学公共卫生学院卫生统计教研室 
CHEN Ming-hui 四川大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生教研室 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To evaluate the effectiveness on comprehensive health education intervention prog ram regarding reproductive tract infections sexually transmitted diseases (RTIs STDs) among reproductiv e age population in the rural areas of China.Methods  Data were generated from the Reproductive Health Family Planning Project implemented by the State Family Planning Committee and the Ministry o f Health from 1998 to 2002, which covered 32 counties in 22 provinces.A quasi-experimental design was used.Six counties were selected from 32 pro ject counties as intervention g roup, while 6 nonproject counties were taken as co ntrols which were similar in number o f population and economic level to the counties as selected.Subjects of the study were mothers with children under 3 years and men under 35 y ears of age.A to tal number of 675 mothers and men were interviewed using a structured questionnaire by strictly trained investigators.Logistic model was used to compare the difference of knowledge on RTIs S TDs between intervention group and control g roup.OR value was used to describe the degree of the difference.Results Over the 18 month intervention period, perso ns in the interv ention group had more knowledge of RTIs STDs than those in control group.Logistic reg ression analy sis indicated that intervention was significantly associa ted with better knowledg e o n factors as transmissio n, risks, symptoms, manag ement and prevention of RTIs S TDs with 95 %CI of OR as 2.4-6.4, 2.0-4.8, 3.0-6.4, 1.9-5.7 and 1.8-6.8 respectiv ely, after co ntrolling the demog raphic factors.Level of education was an impo rtant facto rinfluencing the subjects to receive knowledge on RTI s STDs.Conclusion Comprehensive health educationintervention prog rams had sig nificant impact on knowledge about RTIs STDs among the targ et po pulatio n, indica ting that the Reproductive Health Family Planning Project implemented in the rural areas of China had been successful.
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