闫宇翔,王洪源,王仁安.多临床终点的等效性检验方法探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(10):935-938
Statistical test on multivariate in therapautical equivalence analysis
Received:December 06, 2002  
KeyWord: 临床等效性  多变量等效性检验  相关性
English Key Word: Ther apeutic equivalence  Multivariate test of equivalence  Correlation
Author NameAffiliation
YAN Yu-xiang Department of Ep idemiology and Biostatistics, Cap ital Univer sity of Medical Science, Beijing 100054, China 
WANG Hong-yuan 北京大学医学部流行病与卫生统计学系 
WANG Ren-an 北京大学医学部流行病与卫生统计学系 
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English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the way for test ing of multivariate in therapautical equiv alence.Methods By impro ved Hotelling T 2 test, the mean vector of two groups was tested. The informat ion of each variable could then be obtained by deducting t he t heir cor relations. Clinical Equivalence of Drug A and Drug B for Postmenopausal Bone Looseness was used in this resear ch. The primary measure o f efficacy was r eg ar ded as the improvement rate o f four variables with predefined limit of equivalence ( 2%) wit h the r esults of univariate test and multivariate test compared. Results Under P, all the variables were nonequivalent. Under P, it was necessar y to filtrate the variables of unequivalent until the residuals were equivalent. The method of mult ivariate test was a r emedy to the shortage of univ ar iate test. Conclusion With the combinatio n of the filtration of nonequivalent variables and the improved Hotelling T 2 test, the t est of multivariate could be done. T he method is reasonable and practical.
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