李丽萍,崔华中,陈彬,王生.医院急诊室伤害监测中暴力致伤情况及其分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(1):12-14
Analysis on the occurrence of violence among the injury surveillance program in the Emergency Department
Received:July 03, 2003  
KeyWord: 暴力  监测  院前救护
English Key Word: Violence  Surveillance  Pre-hospital care
Author NameAffiliation
LI Li-ping Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515031, China 
CUI Hua-zhong 汕头大学医学院第二附属医院急诊室 
CHEN Bin Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou 515031, China 
WANG Sheng 北京大学公共卫生学院 
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      目的 了解就诊于急诊室的暴力事件发生的特点及规律。方法 采用统一标准、方法对凡在2000年1月1日至2002年12月31日期间首次就诊于某综合医院的急诊室的伤害(包括暴力)患者进行统一监测,了解其发生情况。结果3年期间共监测11472例受伤害者,其中29.0%;为暴力致伤,男女性别比为3.8:;1,暴力受伤者高发年龄组为15~;44岁(77.1%;);工人在各职业人群中占的比例最高;家中为自杀/;伤的高发地点(42.2%;);路上为他杀/;伤的高发地点(44.7%;);对受伤害者采取的院前救护方式以他人救护占首位(80.1%;);开放性伤在暴力致伤性质方面占的比例最大(55.8%;)。结论 急诊室暴力监测可为确定主要问题及其高危人群提供基础资料,因此应结合当地实际情况开展监测,为当地暴力预防措施的制定提供科学依据。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the characteristics of violence events occurred at the Emergency Department in the hospital and to provide evidence for prevention and mntrol of the problem.Methods Surveillance on injuries was performed on those patients who first visited the Emergency Department in a general hospital in Shantou from January 1st 2000 to December 31th 2002.Results A total number of 11472 injured patients registered in a 3- year surveillance program at the Emergency Department.Among the patients under surveillance, 29.0% of them were injured by violence events.The ratio of male to female was 3.8:1.The high risk age groups of violence patients were 15-44 years (77.1%) with workers as the majority: Home was the most common place for suicide/self-hurt (occupied 42.2%),and highway seemed to be the most mmmon place for homicide/be injured (occupied 44.7%)to occur.Pre-hospital care for the injured patients was mostly taken care by other people (80.1%).Opening trauma appeared to be the most mmmon injury caused by the violence.Conclusion Our study on violence surveillance program at the Emergency Department provided information for identifying the main problems and population at high risk.Violence surveillance in the emergency department of different areas needs to be carried out in order to take preventive measures accordinalv.
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