李中杰,陈曙旸,周静,吴宜群.不同等级医院急诊科伤害患者救治和伤害发生情况比较[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(3):214-217
The comparison on cause and treatment of injuries between two types of Emergency Department among 25 hospitals
Received:October 20, 2003  
KeyWord: 伤害  伤害原因  伤害救治
English Key Word: Injupy  Cause of injury  Injury treatment
Author NameAffiliation
LI Zhong-jie Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China 
CHEN Shu-yang Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China 
ZHOU Jing 中国疾病预防控制中心 
WU Yi-qun 中国疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的<\b> 分析比较省、市级和县级医院急诊伤害的情况和救治特点。方法<\b> 在全国范围内选取25家综合医院的急诊科作为调查点,对其2001年7月至2002年6月期间收治的伤害患者进行调查。急性损伤进行抽样调查,中毒进行全年调查,同时收集各医院急诊量汇总月报表。结果<\b> 急诊伤害在所有急诊疾病中所占的比重,省、市级医院为19.65%,县级医院为29.88%。县级医院伤害患者的病死率为1.29%,显著高于省、市级医院伤害患者的病死率0.27%(P<0.001)。急诊伤害的救护车使用率,县级医院较省、市级要高些,急诊伤害的平均就诊时间县级医院与省、市级医院无明显差别。机械性损伤(32.88%)居省、市级医院急诊伤害原因的第一位,运输事故(35.34%)是县级医院急诊伤害第一位原因。省、市级医院的意外中毒患者是自杀/自伤的近2倍,而县级医院的中毒患者自杀/自伤比例高于意外,尤其是女性中毒患者中自杀/自伤约占2/3。化学品、药物和食物中毒在省、市级医院患者占很大比重(86.13%),而县级医院则主要是农药、化学品和药物中毒,共占89.80%。省、市级和县级医院急诊伤害患者中农药中毒导致的死亡例数均为最多。结论<\b> 省、市与县级医院急诊伤害的特点不同,应针对各医院伤害就诊特点采取相应的措施,减少伤害带来的损失。
English Abstract:
      Objective<\b> To analyze the characteristics of injuries between two types of Emergency Department (ED) in China. Methods<\b> We selected 25 hospital EDs in the whole country as spots for investigation, and designed one special questionnaire to collect information, from 1st July, 2001 to 30th June, 2002. Results<\b> In city hospitals (CIH), the proportion of injury to all diseases wer 19. 65 %, and in country hospital(COH) it was 29. 88%. The fatality rate of injuryies was 1. 29% in COH, which was higher than that of CIH's (P 0. 001). In COH, ambulance was more frequently used to treat injury patients than in CIH, but the average rescue time was no different. In cities, machinery was the leading cause (about 32. 88%), but in country it was due to transpert (35. 34%). Traffc accidents, suicide/ homicide and unintentional drowning were the main causes of death. In CIH, the number of unintentional poisoning was almost twice as intentional, but in COH the patients due to poisoning suicide act were more than unintentional poisoning, with 2/3 of the poisoning causes were women. Patients due to chemical, drug and food poisoning accounted for 86. 13 % in CIH, while in COH the main causes were pesticidal, chemical and druggery (89. 80%). In all poisons, pesticide was the leading cause for death. Conclusion<\b> It's sugested that patients with injury be treated timely since the acute injury patients accounted for important part of ED's patients. The differences between CIH and COH were obvious, with better ability of treatment in CIH than in COH. More relevant measures were needed to improve the ability of acute treatment for injuries.
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