肖峰,陈博文,武阳丰,王月香,韩德民,北京市SARS医疗救治指挥中心科技攻关组.北京市SARS临床诊断病例住院费用及影响因素分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(4):312-316
Analysis on the cost and its related factors of clinically confirmeds evere acute respiratory syndrome cases in Beijing
Received:November 09, 2003  
KeyWord: 严重急性呼吸综合征  住院费用  影响因素分析
English Key Word: Severe acute respiratory syndrome  Hospitalization expenses  Associated factors
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XIAO Feng Capitai Instute of Pediatrics, Bingjing 100020,China handemin@trhos.com 
CHEN Bo-wen Capitai Instute of Pediatrics, Bingjing 100020,China  
WU Yang-feng HAN De-min. BeiJing Tong Ren Hospital BeiJing 100730,China  
WANG Yue-xiang 北京市卫生局  
HAN De-min the Beijing 北京市卫生局  
北京市SARS医疗救治指挥中心科技攻关组 北京市卫生局  
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      目的 了解2003年北京市救治SARS患者的住院费用和影响住院费用的因素。方法统计北京市SARS临床诊断病例数据库中资料完整的1272例SARS患者住院人均费用和日均费用及其构成情况,并采用多因素线性回归来探索影响费用的因素。结果 北京市SARS患者的人均住院费用和日均住院费用分别为18 767.50元/人和632.02元/天。总费用构成中药物治疗花费占65.78%。经单因素分析、分层分析和多元线性回归分析表明:住院天数越长花费越大,病情越重花费越大,早期发病患者花费显著高于晚期发病患者,医务人员住院费用显著高于非医务人员,有基础病的患者平均花费显著高于无基础疾病的患者,公费医疗患者花费显著高于自费医疗患者,采用机械通气的患者花费显著高于未采用机械通气的患者。结论 SARS患者住院费用较高,影响SARS患者住院费用的因素有住院天数、病情、住院时期、职业、基础病及付费方式等。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the medical cost and its related factors of clinically confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) cases in Beijing. Methods The average medical cost per person/day was calculated on 1272 SARS cases with complete hospitalization data from the Beijing SARS clinical database. Factors associated with medical expenditure were explored by both single factor and multi- factor analyses. Results The medical costs of SARS patients in Beijing were 18 767. 50 RMB/case and 632. 02 RMB/day/case. Expenses on medication accounted for the highest proportion (0. 66%). The increase in expenses on medication was significantly associated to the increase in total expenditure. Analyses by single factor, factor stratification as well as multi-factor analyses showed that: the expenditure increased significantly with the following factors of the patients: prolonged days of hospitalization, severe symptoms and signs, hospitalization at the early stage of disease onset, being medical staff themselves, with baseline diseases, being applied mechanical ventilation, and with medical insurance. Conclusions The medical expenditure on SARS patients at the hospital was higher than that on patients with common diseases which was associated to the following factors as: days of hospitalization, severity of disease, stage of the disease break-out, patient's occupation, baseline disease status, medical insurance status etc.
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