徐兴建,魏凤华,蔡顺祥,刘建兵,付义,郑江,王汝波,周晓农,刘耕耘,望开宇,孙兵.三峡库区可能传播血吸虫病的危险因素及其防制对策[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2004,25(7):559-563
Study on the risk factors of schistosomiasis transmission and control strategy in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Received:March 29, 2004  
KeyWord: 血吸虫病  三峡库区  传播  危险因素
English Key Word: Schistosomiasis  Three Go rges Reservoir Area  Transmission  Risk factor
Author NameAffiliation
XU Xing-jian Hubei Institute of Schistosomiasis Control Wuhan 430079 China 
WEI Feng-hua Hubei Institute of Schistosomiasis Control Wuhan 430079 China 
CAI Shun-xiang Hubei Institute of Schistosomiasis Control Wuhan 430079 China 
LIU Jian-bing Hubei Institute of Schistosomiasis Control Wuhan 430079 China 
FU Yi Hubei Institute of Schistosomiasis Control Wuhan 430079 China 
ZHENG Jiang 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 
WANG Ru-bo 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 
ZHOU Xiao-nong 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 
LIU Geng-yun 湖北省宜昌市夷陵区疾病预防控制中心 
WANG Kai-yu 湖北省宜昌市夷陵区疾病预防控制中心 
SUN Bing 湖北省宜昌市夷陵区疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的 掌握三峡库区可能传播血吸虫病的危险因素并提出相应的防制对策.方法 采用流行病学、免疫学和现场调查相结合的方法,调查三峡库区流动人口、库区移民和家畜血吸虫病传染源可能输入库区的潜在危险因素.运用钉螺生态学的方法,观察钉螺在模拟环境中的生存繁殖状况,并提出防止血吸虫病传染源和钉螺可能输入库区的对策和措施.结果 从库区流动人口来自血吸虫病疫区的175人中,查出1例间接血凝试验(IHA)和环卵沉淀试验(COPT)均阳性者.通过2个年度的观察,肋壳钉螺和光壳钉螺都能在模拟环境中生存、繁殖.结论 血吸虫病传染源已扩散到库区,-旦钉螺输入到库区,将会构成血吸虫病在库区流行.为及早杜绝隐患,提出了相应的防范措施和对策.
English Abstract:
      Objective to understand the risk factors of schistosomiasis transmission in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area(TGRA)and to provide evidence for the development of control strategy.Methods Approaches including epidemiology,imm unology and field survey were applied to investigate the potential risk factors which would involve the impo rtation of infectious resources live mobile and migrant po pulation,and livestock in the reservoir area.Meanwhile,observation on survival and reproductive status of snail under simulation habitats was also carried out,using ecological methods on snails.Strategy in preventing the spread of snail as infectious resources was also provided.Results 175 mobile people from schistosomaisis endemic area of were tested and one person showeel immunology tests positive with indirect hemagglutination test(IHA)and circumoral precipitin test(C0PT),with a positive rate of 0.57% Through the two-year period under observation,data showed that the snails with ribbon/smooth shells could survive and reprod uce under habitats of simulation.Conclusions Onee the infectious resource of schistosomiasis was introd uced into the TGRA.the area became a new schistosomiasis epidemic area in TGRA which called for countermeasures to be taken.
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