胡筱芸,王建华.反向配比设计在流行病学中的应用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2005,26(9):723-725
The application of counter-matching design in epidemiological research
Received:May 16, 2005  
KeyWord: 流行病学  反向配比设计  巢式病例对照研究
English Key Word: Epidemiology  Counter-matching design  Nested case-control study
Author NameAffiliation
HU Xiao-yun Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China 
WANG Jian- hua Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China 
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      目的 探讨反向配比设计在流行病学研究中的应用。方法 以评价基因-环境交互作用的乳腺癌病因学研究为实例,介绍反向配比的设计方法和统计分析方法。结果 该实例说明当人群中基因突变和感兴趣的环境暴露因素均为罕见因素时,使用反向配比设计可提高研究基因与环境交互作用的潜能。结论 反向配比设计比传统的流行病学方法更适合研究包括罕见因素在内的交互作用。
English Abstract:
      Objective To explore the application of counter-matching design in epidemiological research. Methods Through elaboration of the study about gene-environment interactions in the etiology of breast cancer, methodology regarding counter-matching design and statistic methods was introduced. Results This design improved the potential for detecting gene-environment interactions for diseases when both gene mutations and the environmental exposures of interest were rare in the general population. Conclusion Counter-matching appearsed to be more appropriate than most traditional epidemiologicmethods for the study of interactions involving rare factors.
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