魏源.大学生拖沓行为与不良人格倾向的关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2006,27(1):29-32
The relationship study on the relationship between procrastination behaviors and bad personality disposition
Received:February 24, 2005  
KeyWord: 拖沓  人格倾向  大学生
English Key Word: Procrastination  Personality disposition  College students
Author NameAffiliation
Wei Yuan. Taizhou University Department of Education, Linhai 317000, China 
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English Abstract:
      ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between procrastinate behavior of college students and bad personality disposition. Methods566 college students were selected and followed through adopting themeasurement on the procrastination scale of college students and Personality Disorders Questionnaire ( PDQ24).Results Results showed that male and female college students did not have remarkable difference in terms of procrastination. High level procrastinators had a higher level of scores on bad personality disposition. In addition,College students’procrastination had close relationship with bad personality disposition ( r = 0. 341, P < 0. 001).ConclusionCollege students’procrastination had close relationship with bad personality disposition which did not match the findings from McCown’s results on american college students
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