李娜,唐迅,陈大方,胡永华.复杂疾病病因研究中基因问交互作用分析:基于基因型传递不平衡的多因子降维法[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2007,28(10):1036-1040
Identification of gene-gene interactions related to the etiology of complex disease: a multifactor dimensionality reduction-genotype pedigree disequilibrium test
Received:February 12, 2007  
KeyWord: 多因子降维法  核心家系  复杂疾病  基因-基因交互作用
English Key Word: Multifactor dimensionality reduction  Nuclear family  Complex disease  Gene-gene interactions
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Li Na Department of Epidemiolagy and Biostatistics, School of Puhlic Health, Peking University, Beijing l00083, China  
Tang Xun Department of Epidemiolagy and Biostatistics, School of Puhlic Health, Peking University, Beijing l00083, China  
Chen Dafang Department of Epidemiolagy and Biostatistics, School of Puhlic Health, Peking University, Beijing l00083, China  
Hu Yonghua Department of Epidemiolagy and Biostatistics, School of Puhlic Health, Peking University, Beijing l00083, China yhhu@bjmu.edu.cn 
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      介绍复杂疾病病因研究中分析基因一基因交互作用的一种新方法:基于基因型传递不平衡的多因子降维法( MDR-PDT)。文中简述MDR-PDT的基本原理、步骤及特点,并结合研究实例说明其应用过程。MDR-PDT是原始MDR的扩展,可用于多种结构类型的核心家系资料分析基因一基因交互作用。结论MDR-PDT具有非参数、无需遗传模式的特点,并能充分利用家系中多个家庭成员的信息,在复杂疾病病因研究中分析基因一基因文互作用具有良好的效能。
English Abstract:
      To introduce the application ofa multifactor dimensianality reduction-genotype pedigree disequilibrium test (MDR-PDT) for detecting gene-gene interactions in the etiology of complex disease.A brief overview on the basic theory,implementing steps and features of MDR-PDT were desa-ibed,and a practical research case was demonstrated to application of MDR-PDT in nuclear family studies.The MDR-PDT approach was the extension or development of conventional MDR method which could be used for detecting gene-gene interactions in families of diverse structure.Conclusion MDR-PDT was a new nonparametric and model-free method which might use additional family members in the nuclear families and had a good power to identify gene-gene interactions.
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