刘民,刘燕.人群流感疫苗接种的预防效果及卫生经济学评价现况[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2008,29(1):85-87
A review of preventive effect and health economic evaluation of influenza vaccination in people
Received:September 20, 2007  
KeyWord: 流感疫苗  预防效果  卫生经济学评价
English Key Word: Disability-adjusted life years  Stroke  Indirect economic burden
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIU Min 北京大学公共卫生学院,100083 xudezh@fmmu.edu.cn 
LIU Yan 北京大学公共卫生学院,100083  
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English Abstract:
      Objective Using the indirect economic burden of stroke in a rural population to develop rational allocation of future health resources,in Hanzhong area.Methods Cluster sampling which involved 53 natural villages with a total number of 75 000 people selected from the‘stroke monitoring base’of rural population was adopted in this study in the Hanzhong area.All of the 164 stroke cases were studied through a self-designed questionnaire.In calculating disability-adjusted life years(DALYs),fixed value was used in accordance with the value of GBD.The disability assessment was simplified in DALYs calculation and modified Barthel's ADL was used in disability assessment of stroke patients.In indirect economic burden analysis,the human capital method combined with DALYs was adopted with the formula as: indirect economic burden=GNP per capita× DALYs× productivity weight.Results The total DALYs were 598.88,with an average DALY of stroke as 3.65 per case.The total indirect economic burden of stroke patients in rural areas was 1 993 977.8 RMB and the average of indirect economic burden of stroke was 12 158.4 RMB per case with the largest seen in the 45-59 age group,accounted for 74.4%. Conclusion In our study,the use of method in combining the human capital with DALYs was the first time being adopted in calculation of the indirect economic burden of stroke in rural population in China.The burden seemed to be much lower than literature cited from other countries.It was reasonable to evaluate indirect economic burden of stroke using method in integrating DALYs with human capital,but it was difficult to calculate the DALYs.
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