刘静,赵冬,王薇,孙佳艺,刘军,王森,秦兰萍,吴兆苏.中国11省市代谢综合征不同组分及其组合 形式与心血管病发病的关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2008,29(7):652-655
中国11省市代谢综合征不同组分及其组合 形式与心血管病发病的关系
Incidence risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with specific combinations regarding the metabolic syndrome components
Received:February 22, 2008  
KeyWord: 心血管疾病  代谢综合征  前瞻性队列研究
English Key Word: Cardiovascular diseases  Metabolic syndrome  Prospective cohort study
FundProject:国家“八五”科技攻关课题资助项目(85-915-01-02); 北京市心血管病研究实验室资助项目(953850700)
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jing Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
ZHAO Dong Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
WANG Wei Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
SUN Jia-yi Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
LIU Jun Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
WANG Miao Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
QIN Lan-ping Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
WU Zhao-su Department of Epidemiology, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing 100029, China 
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      目的 研究代谢综合征(MS)不同组分及其组合形式与心血管病(CVD)发病危险的关系。方法 “中国多省市心血管病前瞻性队列研究”在11省市共人选35~64岁男女两性30 378人,1992-2004年随访期间共发生急性CVD事件809例。采用《中国成人血脂异常防治指南》中定义的 MS新标准分析MS的分布特征和MS各组分不同组合与CVD发病的关系。结果 (1)根据新标准,中国人群MS患病率为11.8%,男女分别为12. 4%和9.0%,男性高于女性(P<0.001)。(2)调整其他 危险因素后,CVD危险随MS组分个数的增加而增加。仅有1个组分时,只有血压升高显著增加 CVD危险;有2个组分时,10种组合中的5种显著增加CVD危险;>3个组分(即MS)存在时共有16 种组合,除4种罕见组合外,其他12种均显著增加CVD危险,其中危险最高的前7位均具有“腹部肥 胖+血压升高”的特征。结论 MS各组分的不同组合形式所具有的CVD发病危险有很大差异,>3 组分,特别是包含腹部肥胖和血压升髙者,可以较好地检出CVD危险较高的个体。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) incidence related to different combinations of the metabolic syndrome(MS) components. Methods A total of 30 378 subjects aged 35 to 64 years were recruited from 11 provinces in a Chinese Multi-provincial Cohort Study and followed-up for new CVD from 1992 to 2004.MS was defined under the new criteria ‘Preventiveguideline of Dyslipidemia for Chinese Adults ’, issued in 2007 ? CVD incidence rates and relative risks (RR) were estimated by different MS components and by their various combinations. Results (1) According to the new criteria,the prevalence of MS was 11.8%for Chinese middle-age adults. The prevalence was 12.4%in men,significantly higher than that in women (9.0%). (2) Risk of CVD increased in proportion to the number of MS components after adjusting for other risk factors. If only 1 component was present, elevated blood pressure was the only significant predictor of CVD. When 2 components were present, 5 of the 10 combinations were associated with significantly higher risk. All combinations with ^3 components(MS) had significant contribution except for those rare traits (<0.5%of the whole sample). Among the 16 combinations of ^3 components, the feature of “central obesity and elevated blood pressure” was found in all the 7 combinations with the highest risk. Conclusion CVD risk associated with various number and combinations of MS components seemed to be heterogeneous. The clustering of ^3 disorders, especially those with central obesity and elevated blood pressure could significantly predict the future development of CVD.
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