王丹,牟振云,翟俊霞,宗红侠,赵晓东.Stata软件在Meta分析中异质性检验的应用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2008,29(7):726-729
Application of Stata software to test heterogeneity in Meta-analysis method
Received:January 23, 2008  
KeyWord: Meta分析  Stata软件  异质性检验
English Key Word: Meta-analysis  Stata software  Test heterogeneity
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
WANG Dan Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China  
MOU Zhen- yun Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China mzhenyun49@163.com 
ZHAI Jun-xia 河北省医学情报研究所  
ZONG Hong-xia 河北医科大学图书馆  
ZHAO Xiao-dong 河北省医学情报研究所  
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      介绍Stata软件在Meta分析异质性检验中的应用。将研究实例建立数据集,采用Stata 9软件中相应命令语句实现固定效应模型森林图法附带的Q统计量和统计量J2检验法、H值法、Galbraith图法。采用Q检验、H统计量检验出研究间是否存在异质性,I2统计量确定异质性程度,Galbraith图可看出哪些研究是异质性来源的异常点。结论 :Stata软件中四种方法可简单、快速地实 现Meta分析中异质性检验。其中H和J2统计量异质性检验结果较为稳健,Galbmith图可直观地显 示出研究结果异质性的异常点。
English Abstract:
      To introduce the application of Stata software to heterogeneity test in meta-analysis. A data set was set up according to the example in the study, and the corresponding commands of the methods in Stata 9 software were applied to test the example. The methods used were Q-test and I2 statistic attached to the fixed effect model forest plot, H statistic andgalbraith plot. The existence of the heterogeneity among studies could be detected by Q-test and H statistic and the degree of the heterogeneity could be detected by I2 statistic. The outliers which were the sources of the heterogeneity could be spotted from thegalbraith plot. Heterogeneity test in Meta-analysis can be completed by the four methods in Stata software simply and quickly. H and I2 statistics are more robust, and the outliers of the heterogeneity can be clearly seen in thegalbraith plot among the four methods.
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