邢直直,杜文军,王灿,徐燕,陈士俊.99例手足口病临床分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2008,29(8):847-848
Clinical analysis of 99 patients with hand-foot-mouth disease
Received:February 21, 2008  
KeyWord: 足口病  临床分析
English Key Word: hand—foot—mouth disease  Clinical analysis
Author NameAffiliation
XING zhi-zhi 5002I济南山东大学附属济南市传染病医院 
DU Wen-jun 5002I济南山东大学附属济南市传染病医院 
WANG Can 5002I济南山东大学附属济南市传染病医院 
XU Yan 5002I济南山东大学附属济南市传染病医院 
CHEN Shijun 5002I济南山东大学附属济南市传染病医院 
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English Abstract:
      Objective Through introduction of principal theory and algorithm of propensity score to design SAS macro programs for binary data.Methods Propensity score method was used to compare the differences of character variables between two groups, and the association of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) with the mortality of congestive heart failure was evaluated with different methods.Results Significant differences among the character variables between two groups were effectively balanced with stratification or matching method. The odds ratios of DNR with the in-hospital mortality rate of congestive heart failure were estimated identical with different algorithms and to find that the association of DNR to in-hospital mortality was highly significant. Conclusions Propensity score was a good algorithm that could be used to analyze any kind of observational data for matching the effects among the character variables.
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