周洁,邓睿,张开宁,吴尚纯,雷贞武.中国九省农村育龄妇女宫内节育器下移取器现状流行病学调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(4):335-338
An epidemiologicul survey on intrauterine device downward dislocation in Chinese rural users
Received:November 20, 2008  
KeyWord: 宫内节育器  下移取器  流行病学调查
English Key Word: Intrauterine device  Downward dislocation  Epidemiological survey
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Jie 昆明医学院健康研究所 650031 
ZHANG Kai-ning 昆明医学院健康研究所 650031 
WU Shang-chun 昆明医学院健康研究所 650031 
LEI Zhen-wu 国家人口和计划生育委员会科学技术研究所社会医学中心 
LEI Zhenwu 四川生殖卫生学院附属医院 
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English Abstract:
      understand the situation of downward dislocation of intrauterine device (IUD) and the impact related to the effectiveness of IUD use,in China.Methods An epidemiological survey with cross-sectional,retrospective and prospective study designs was conducted to investigate 18 922 IUD users who were selected by a multi-phase stratified cluster sampling method.Results IUD's downward dislocation had been an important unsuccessful issue related to the IUD insertion that accounted for 20% of total the cases of failure.The top three failure outcomes would include extrusion,removal due to downward dislocation and unintended pregnancy.Respectively,the cumulative rates and the ranking due to IUD failure (per 100 women) in the first,third,sixth and twelfth month were shown as follows:extrusion appeared as 0.33%,1.13%,2.21% and 4.30%;removal as 0.10%,0.37%,0.80% and 2.34%;while unintended pregnancy were 0.03%,0.14%,0.41% and 1.14%.Conclusion IUD' s downward dislocation made great impact on the effectiveness of IUD use that should call for attention from relative governmental sectors and researchers in the areas of prevention,diagnosis and treatment.
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