牟劲松,罗家有,李艳萍,帅志容,刘晓辉.中国农村留守儿童营养状况及影响因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(5):439-443 |
中国农村留守儿童营养状况及影响因素研究 |
Study on the nutritional status and determinants among rural stranded children in China |
Received:November 27, 2008 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 营养状况 农村 留守儿童 决定因素 |
English Key Word: Nutritional status Rural areas Left-behind children Determinants |
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Abstract: |
目的探讨中国农村7岁及以下留守儿童的营养状况及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,对随机选择的7585名7岁及以下留守儿童和7557名对照组儿童进行调查。调查方法包括问卷调查、体格测量和实验室检查。结果单亲、双亲外出留守儿童和对照儿童生长迟缓率分别为14。9%、17。9%和16。3%;低体重率分别为7。2%、8。3%和7。6%;消瘦率分别为3。1%、3。4%和3。3%;贫血检出率分别为18。9%、20。6%和18。7%。双亲外出留守儿童生长迟缓率高于单亲外出留守儿童,贫血检出率留守儿童高于对照组儿童,差异均有统计学意义。多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示:儿童年龄、低出生体重、散居、独生子女、母亲文化程度、每周吃早餐次数、每周吃零食次数、看护人意愿、主要看护人类型等因素与留守儿童生长迟缓有关;儿童年龄、低出生体重、每周吃零食次数、看护人意愿、佝偻病等因素与留守儿童低体重有关。结论农村留守儿童,尤其双亲外出留守儿童,营养状况不容乐观,应进行营养干预,以改善营养状况。 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To explore the nutritional status and determinants among rural stranded children under 7 years of age.Methods The group of stranded children (n=7585) and the children for control (n=7557) were identified by multi-stage stratified cluster sampling. The ascertainment methods mainly included questionnaire, anthropometric measurements and laboratory examination.Results In this study, there were three groups, including the group of stranded children whose single parent left home to look for better job somewhere, the group of stranded children whose parent both left home and the third group serving as control. Prevalent rates on the following items were: stunting -- 14.9%, 17.9% and 16.3%, underweight -- 7.2%, 8.3% and 7.6%, wasting -- 3.1%, 3.4% and 3.3% and anemia -- 18.9%, 20.6%, 18.7% respectively. The prevalent rate of stunting in the group of children with both parents away from home was significantly higher than that those with only one parent did. The prevalence rate of anemia in the group with both parents away from home was significantly higher than that in the control group. Based on multivariate non-conditional logistic regression analysis, the determinants of stunting among the stranded children were: age, with low birth weight, living alone, being the only child in the family, mother's education level, frequency of eating breakfast and snacks every week, motives of caretakers and the relationship between children and the caretakers. The determinants of underweight among those stranded children were: age of child, with low birth weight, the frequency of eating snacks every week, motives of the caretakers and having rickets.Conclusion The nutritional status among rural stranded children was relatively poor, especially in those whose parents were both away from home, which calls for urgent improvement. |
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