罗家有,付楚慧,姚宽保,胡茹珊,杜其云,刘智昱.多指(趾)并指(趾)遗传与环境因素的病例对照研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(9):903-906 |
多指(趾)并指(趾)遗传与环境因素的病例对照研究 |
A ease-control study on genetic and environmental factors regarding polydactyly and syndactyly |
Received:December 19, 2008 Revised:September 17, 2001 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 多指(趾)并指(趾) 遗传因素 环境因素 病例对照研究 |
English Key Word: lydactyly and syndactyly Genetic factor Environmental factor Case-control study |
FundProject:湖南省卫生厅医药卫生科技项目(B2007002) |
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Abstract: |
目的探讨多指(趾)并指(趾)先天畸形相关的遗传与环境因素。方法采用以医院为基础的l:2病例对照研究,对多指(趾)并指(趾)患儿和正常儿的母亲进行问卷调查。采用logistic同归分析,筛选出多指(趾)并指(趾)先天畸形相关的影响因素。结果研究对象病例组11l例和对照组222名。单因素分析发现胎儿多指(趾)并指(趾)与孕妇文化程度、家庭年人均收入、孕早期吃肉蛋类、夫妻一方或双方家族遗传史、孕前职业接触有害物质、严重早孕反应等有关;多因素logistic回归模型分析结果表明:家庭年人均收入高(>8000元,OR=O.240)、孕早期经常吃肉蛋类(OR=O.182)等减少胎儿患多指(趾)并指(趾)的风险;夫妻一方或双方家族遗传史(OR=10.187)、孕前职业接触有害物质(OR=3.029)等增加胎儿患多指(趾)并指(趾)的风险;其中,夫妻一方或双方家族遗传史和孕前职业接触有害物质的归因危险度百分比(%)分别为90.18%和66.99%。结论遗传因素是多指(趾)并指(趾)先天畸形最主要的危险因素;家庭经济状况、孕早期膳食与孕前职业接触有害物质等因素也与多指(趾)并指(趾)先天畸形有关。 |
English Abstract: |
Objective To explore the genetic and environmental factors related to the development of polydactyly and syndactyly,and to provide evidence for prevention on birth defects.Methods A hospital-based case-control study Was conducted.11 1 cases and 222 controls were interviewed with standardized questionnaires.Logistic regression models were used to select risk factors.Results Research data through univariate analysis showed that the occurrence of polydactyly and syndactyly were associated with educational level,annual average income per family member,meat and egg intake during early pregnancy,family heredity history,exposure to hazardous substance before pregnancy,serious pregnant reaction etc.of the pregnant women.As shown in muitivariable logistic model,some factors。including annual average income ofper family member(OR=O.240),meat and egg intake during early pregnancy(OR=O.182).could reduce the risk of the development of polydactyly and syndactyly.Other factors including family heredity history(OR=10.187),exposureto hazardous substance before pregnancy(OR=3.029).could increase the risk of developing potydactyly and syndactyly.The attributable risks(%)of family heredity history and exposure to hazardous substance before pregnancy were 90.1 8%and 66.99%respectively.Conclusion Genetic factor was the leading cause on the development of polydactyly and syndactyly.In addition,environmental factors,such as family economic condition,nutritional status during early pregnancy and working condition before pregnancy were associated with the development of polydactyly and syndactyly. |
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