肖文凯,叶平,刘德军,吴红梅,骆雷鸣.北京地区4985例桡动脉反射波增强指数相关因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2009,30(10):1055-1059
Evaluation on the analytical sensitivity of 31 HBsAg enzyme immunoassay kits
Received:April 20, 2009  
KeyWord: 桡动脉反射波增强指数  动脉僵硬度  动脉硬化  人群研究
English Key Word: Radial augmentation index  Arterial stiffness  Arteriosclerosis  Cohort study
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XIAO Wen-kai Second Department of Cardiology Southern Building Clinic Division, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China  
YE Ping Second Department of Cardiology Southern Building Clinic Division, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China xiaowk301@sina.com 
LIU De-jun 解放军总参谋部警卫局卫生保健处  
WU Hong-mei Second Department of Cardiology Southern Building Clinic Division, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China  
LUO Lei-ming Second Department of Cardiology Southern Building Clinic Division, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China  
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English Abstract:
      Objective The augmentation index (AI) derived from central arteries is generally defined as an index of augmentation of central blood pressure in systole derived from the return of pressure waves reflected from the periphery and is an index of arterial stiffness. There is controversy with respect to how to affect AI. Methods In a cross-sectional study of 4985 subjects (2417 men and 2568 women) aged 18-96 years (50.94± 14.73 years,mean±SD),AI was measured in the left radial artery using tonometry Colin HEM-9000AI. Results Among the subjects, 39.4% were diagnosed as hypertensive, 11.2% as diabetes mellitus, and 48.7% as hyperlipidemia. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that age, diastolic blood pressure, smoking, heart rate, height, waist circumference and fasting blood glucose were independent determinants of radial AI in women; while in men, it was also determined by total cholesterol. Radial AI was significantly higher in women than in men [(83.18± 12.36)% vs. (71.93±15.22)%, P<0.01]. Conclusion Our findings indicate that AI is determined by arterial stiffness, distance to the reflection point and reflection coefficient. It is necessary to take into account these confounding factors when assessing AI is used as an index for atherosclerosis.
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