庞星火,刘东磊,卢莉,王小莉,杨镇,张朱佳子,邓瑛.北京市2009年甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种影响因素分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(5):588-590
Factors associated with immunization of novel influenza A (H1NI) vaccine in Beijing,2009
Received:February 02, 2010  
KeyWord: 甲型H1N1流感  疫苗接种率  影响因素
English Key Word: Influenza A (H1N1) 2009  Vaccination coverage  Influence factors
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
PANG Xing-huo Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
LIU Dong-lei Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China liudonglci@sina.com 
LU Li Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
WANG Xiao-li Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
YANG Zhen Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
ZHANG ZHU Jia-zi Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
DENG Ying Institutefor Infections Disease and Endemic Disease Control, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Bering 100013, China  
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