杨林胜,张志华,郝加虎,孙业桓.青少年网络成瘾与自杀行为的相关关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(10):1115-1119
Association between adolescent intemet addiction and suicidal behaviors
Received:June 01, 2010  Revised:June 18, 2012
KeyWord: 网络成瘾  自杀行为  抑郁  青少年
English Key Word: Internet addiction  Suicidal behaviors  Depression  Adolescent
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YANG Lin-sheng Department of Epidemiology and Statistics sun6111007@163.com 
ZHANG Zhi-hua Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
HA0 Jia-hu Department of Maternal. Child&Adolescent Health, School of Public Health, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China  
SUN Ye-huan Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
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      目的 了解网络成瘾与青少年自杀行为的相关关系,如果存在相关关系,并考察能 否被抑郁以及冲动相关行为部分或全部解释。方法 合肥市3507名使用网络的中学生完成问卷 调查。内容包括Young网络成瘾诊断量表,自杀行为、抑郁量表,冲动相关的行为以及不良经历等 调查表。采用层次logistic回归模型在调整混杂因素的基础上,分析网络成瘾与青少年自杀行为 的相关关系及抑郁和冲动相关行为在上述相关关系中的作用。结果 3507名学牛有182名 (5.2%)被诊断为网络成瘾;过去一年有自杀意念、计划和未遂的学生比例分别为27.4%、9.5%和 2.6%。网络成瘾与自杀意念、计划和未遂的关联指标OR值分别为1.79(95%CI:1.32-2.44)、2.32 (95%CI:1.57~3.42)和2.08(95%CI:1.03~4.22),调整人口学和不良经历变量后。网络成瘾与自杀 未遂的关联无统计学意义。抑郁和冲动相关行为分别引入以网络成瘾为自变量的方程,网络成 瘾与自杀意念和计划的关联出现不同程度的下降;相反,若将网络成瘾引入以抑郁或(和)冲动相 关行为自变量的方程,抑郁或(和)冲动相关行为与自杀意念和计划的关联未见明显变化。结论 网络成瘾与自杀意念、自杀计划存在关联。且该关联的路径可能由抑郁和冲动相关行为介导。
English Abstract:
      Objective To examine the association between internet addiction and suieidal behaviors in adolescences and to explore whether the association could be partly or fully accounted by depression or/and behaviors related to the impulsity.Methods A total of 3507 Urban adolescent students in Hefei were administered to complete the questionnaire concerning interact addiction disorder(ULD).suicidal behaviors during the 12 mOllths preceding the survey。behaviors related to the impulsity.Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale and early childhood adversities, respectively.Hierarehicallogistic regressions were used to evaluate the associations and possible roles of depression and behaviors related to the impulsity between internet addition and suicidal behaviors after adjustment for confounding factors.Results Ofthe 3507 participants.5.2%were diagnosed as IAD.27.4%reported suicidal ideation during the 12 months preceding the survey,with another 9.5% had a plan and 2.6%had an aRempt.Intemet addition Was associated with suicidal ideation(OR= 1.79.95%“:1132-2.44).plan(0R=2.32,95%c,:1.57-3.42),and attempt(0R=2.08,95%c,: 1.03_4.22).Atier adjustment for ootential confounding factors,the association between intemet addition and attempt was insignificant.Whell depression and behaviors related to the impulsity were entered into Hierarchical regression respectively.the associations between internet addition,suicidal ideation and plan were substantially reduced.While internet addition Was enter into Hierarehical regression.the associations between depression.behaviors related to the impulsity,suicidalideation and plan were not reduced.Conclusion Adolescent internet addition seems to be associated witll suicidal ideation and plan.and the association iS possibly mediated by depression and behaviors related to the impulsitY.
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