刘淼,洪志恒,詹思延.复杂干预的设计和评价[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2010,31(12):1410-1413
Development and evaluation of complex intervention
Received:April 13, 2010  
KeyWord: 复杂干预  设计  评价
English Key Word: Complex intervention  Development  Evaluation
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Liu Miao Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,Peking University Health Science Center.Beijing 100191.China  
Hong Zhiheng Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,Peking University Health Science Center.Beijing 100191.China  
Zhan Siyan Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,Peking University Health Science Center.Beijing 100191.China siyan-zhan@bjmu.edu.cn 
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English Abstract:
      Experimental studies with only one intervention are not always sufficient for heaRh care issnes.while the method of complex intervention iS more USeful.But the complex intervcntion iS more complicated and needs carefuily design and evaluation.This article will introduce the framework for design and evaluation of complex intervention and the revised version made by Medical Research CounciI.with five examples showing its application.
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