许艳,王璐.国内外≥50岁年龄组人群艾滋病流行特征及危险因素[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2011,32(11):1166-1169
The prevalence characteristics and risk factors of AIDS among people fifty years or older,at home and abroad
Received:April 13, 2011  Revised:June 18, 2012
KeyWord: 艾滋病  流行特征  危险因素
English Key Word: AIDS  Prevalence characteristics  Risk factor
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XU Yan School of Public Health,Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730,China
National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
WANG Lu National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
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English Abstract:
      Objective To determine the efficient cut-ofF points of fasting fingertip blood glucose test for undiagnosed diabetes meilitus(DM)。impaired glucose tolerance(IGT),and impaired fasting glucose(IFG)in community-based residents aged above 45 years old.Methods A cluster-randomized study was conducted from May 2008 to January 2009.A total of 3250 subjects aged above 45 years in two communities of Baoding city received questionnaire investigation and tested for fingertip blood glucose.Those subjects whose capillary blood glucose level≥5.1 m.moFL were subjected to 75 g ol-al glucose tolerance test.Undiagnosed diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes WgTe identified by fasting plasma glucose and OGTT.In this study.the cut-ofr points of fasting capillary blood glucose for detecting undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes were evaluated,using receiver operator characteristic curve(ROC).Results Of l 35 l subjects that having had oral glucose tolerance test,230 cases were diagnosed as diabetes mellitus(7.3%),166 cases(5.2%)as IFG,and 204(6.7%)as IGT under fasting capillary blood glucose as test variable and state vailables according to the following criteria.(1)FPG≥7.0 inmol/L or/and 2hPG≥11.1 mnloI/L(2)FPG<5.6 mmol/L (3)FPG<7.0 mmoi/L and 7.8 mnlo儿≤2hPG≤11.1 mlnoI/L。al'eas under three ROC cul'ves were 0.905,0.633 and 0.719。respectively.The cut.0ffvalues ofscreening for undiagnosed DM,IGT and IFG were 6.0 mmol/L。5.7 mmoI/L,and 5.7 mmol/L。respectively.When cut.0ff value of screening for undiagnosed DM was 6.0 mmoI/L.the maximal sensitivity Was 78.0%and specificity Was 89.3%. BUt there were both lower sensitivity and specificity in screening for IFG and IGT according to the best predicting value(5.7 mmoI/L)from the ROC curves(50.3%and 28.O%115.60.8%and 28.O%).Conclusion Fasting capillary blood glucose with the lower cut.point of 6.0 mmoⅥ。in screening for tmdiagnosed diabetes mellitus alone,was relatively reliable。whereas for both IFG and IGT the fasting fingertip blood glucose tests were fallible.It Was convenient and could be used in screening the DM at the community level.
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